. . The United States Bicycle Route System (USBRS) is gaining support daily. Click a state to see the most up-to-date state status on the project. The National Corridor Plan identifies 50-mile wide corridors, both prioritized (numbered) and un-prioritized (faint brown corridors). The Plan can change, based upon state opportunities and interests, with new corridors or realignments. As corridors turn into routes, the lines will go from wide swaths of color to defined routes. Links to U.S. Bike Route (USBR) maps, state bike maps and informational websites will be provided as they become available.
. . TDOT enlisted a consultant to expand the state bicycle route network. Once TDOT approves the network, it will be sent to local Bike/Ped Coordinators and Bike Walk Tennessee for review. Bike Walk Tennessee is partnering with TDOT to implement routes that fall within the National Corridor Plan, visit Coast Down Hills to see the draft routes. USBR 25 will be the first route implemented and will coordinate with Kentucky.
. . For more information or to volunteer, contact Bruce Day from Bike Walk Tennessee.
Five Takeaways from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting is one of the
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world. This ...
1 week ago
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. Specific needs for implementing this in Tennessee will be 1) a few people to help developed promotional materials to present to local agencies once TDOT agrees to a draft route. We can be developing these now and need to be ready when we get the green light from Jessica. 2) Then people to present the pitch to such folks as Chambers of Commerce, Local police, Local businesses,etc. And finally, people to ride the route, note locations of services and hazards and critique the route from a cyclist's view.
Although is is billed a a national route and will eventually be of great benefit to the long haul tourists, it also greatly benefits us. First, the best assurance we will ever have that a road will not get rumbled is for it to be on one of these routes. Second, the process of creating the route will also create new avenues for us, like how does one ride a bike clear across Nashville in any direction? It is also a great opportunity to promote cycling to people who might not otherwise get involved.
If you like your fit body, if you like the rush of a long free downhill, if you like the respect of police and automobile drivers, pay it forward. Get involved.