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Showing posts with label Pedestrian Fatalities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedestrian Fatalities. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pedestrian fatality in Oak Ridge, Melton Lake Drive

There was a pedestrian fatality approximately a quarter mile north of Union Valley Rd on Melton Lake Drive in Oak Ridge. The initial statement by the Oak Ridge Police Chief is available here, and a followup report here. The crash took place on March 24, and was reported around 10:30 PM. Melton Lake Drive is a moderate speed road with traffic speeds around 40 mph. The road has fairly good shoulders, and Melton Lake Greenway runs parallel to the entire stretch of road. The road ties into the parks in the area, as well as to Oak Ridge Turnpike and numerous residential areas. An excellent map of the Oak Ridge Greenways (PDF) is available here. The investigation into the crash is ongoing. Since the crash probably took place sometime after dark, what are things pedestrians can do to make themselves safer during nighttime?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wheelchair fatality in Knoxville

The Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting on a fatality of a motorized wheelchair user who was struck by a right-turning vehicle. The vehicle was turning right onto Kingston Pike from the western end of Forest Glen Drive around 1:30 PM, on September 28, and apparently struck the wheelchair when the wheelchair entered the intersection from the sidewalk. Forest Glen Drive has a stop sign for the car. The crash is still under investigation. Details are sketchy. What are some safety tips for wheelchairs out in traffic, and what can people do to make tragedies like this one less likely to occur in the future? Are wheelchairs more like pedestrians, or more like slow vehicles in their handling characteristics?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Walking infrastructure - Transportation for America

A report by Transportation for America points to how there were 47,700 pedestrian fatalities during the decade 2000-2009. Such translates to around 13 deaths a day, 91 a week, or about 390 a month. As they put it, we would certainly not tolerate a jumbo jet crashing with no survivors each and every month of the year.

While it's true that many local streets are built with local money, the busier streets usually have a federal funding component, and they are the streets that tend to be busiest and most dangerous, as well as most often traveled. Currently, pedestrian funding composes a mere 1.5% of the federal transportation budget. But such is being targeted for elimination nevertheless. Eliminating that funding would only make matters worse for pedestrians, which would increase car dependency and disproportionately impact the most vulnerable. It would de facto make streets only for cars, rather than complete ones that are for all users.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Traffic Safety Coalition

The Traffic Safety Coalition (TSC), is a grassroots organization comprised of public safety professionals, law enforcement officials, victims’ advocates, health care professionals, and academics who have all come together to support a media/communications campaign to educate the public about the detrimental effects of red-light running in communities across the United States.  Our campaign is looking to demonstrate how the use of traffic safety cameras has proven to be a critical tool for local law enforcement agencies efforts to reduce violations and crashes while keeping pedestrians and bicyclists safe.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Knox County Pedestrian struck twice, killed near her home

On Tuesday night, around 10:30 PM, a pedestrian was struck by first one car, and then a second going the opposite direction on Snyder Rd near Catlett Ln near her home. The newspaper reports are available here, with a followup here. Those who live in the area can attest to the strong rainstorms that were in the area that night. A senseless tragedy, no doubt.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

NE TN Regional Directors of Bike Walk TN Invite You To an OCTOBER 10'th Gathering


How we can affect policies and attitudes concerning:
- Safety for bicyclists and pedestrians
- Enforcement of existing laws
- Better municipal and regional planning for alternative transportation
- Increased funding for bicycle and pedestrian facilities
- Challenging attitudes toward those who choose to bike and walk
Click here for More Info , Visit us at BWT Region 6

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Congressman Blumenauer Demands Attention to Bike Fatalities

Please watch this video, recorded last night, on the eve today's Ride of Silence.