For some time becoming LCI certified has been on my list of things to do some day. Two things have kept me from it:
1. The time required .
2. I already know everything there is to know about cycling.
Now comes a chance to test reason number 2 in the comfort of my own home in the hours between midnight and sleep usually wasted watching the Weather Channel. This from Arkansas Tom Ezell.
Thinking about taking the Traffic Skills 101 class, but don't have time to sit through hours of Powerpoint slides? One thing the League is experimenting with is offering the classroom portion of this course on-line, and letting the student jump directly to the hands on, bike riding part.
Interested? Go to, register at the site, and you can take that part on-line in your spare time. Each module has a set of questions (the applicable part of the written exam for Traffic Skills 101). At the completion of the online class, the site will tally up your score (passing score is 70%; 85% if you intend to pursue becoming an LCI yourself), and allow you to print a certificate asserting that you've completed that part of the class.
Next, take your certificate and look up one of the League Cycling Instructors (at the "Instructors" link) who have agreed to participate in the on-line test of the Traffic Skills course. Contact the LCI, and schedule a time and place to take the riding part of the class and the road test... And then you're on your way to Smart(er) Cycling!
This web site is part of a large effort to improve safety training for the 2010 Houston-to-Austin BP MS-150 bike ride. It's been shown to work well, and now it's being made available on a national basis to those facing a time crunch on sitting in class...
Meet the Winners of the League’s 2025 Community Spark Grants
Today, the League of American Bicyclists is thrilled to announce the
recipients of our 2025 Community Spark Grants! After extensive review, the
League se...
6 days ago
Ooh! Thanks for posting- I've been wanting to get my LCI Certification and possibly host safe cycling classes. Only problem is, I would want to do it through TDOT and because of travel restrictions, we can't travel out of state. I wonder if we got a large enough group, if someone would come to TN to administer the road test.
ReplyDeleteJessica wilson
ReplyDeleteMy thought also. I know we do have several LCI's in the Nashville area. I just checked for available opportunities to do the performance part of the test. They list Indianpolis and Louisville as potential sites but no courses in the next 60 days. Perhaps we can get a local LCI to do one and maybe get folks from nearby states.
I did complete the online test and scored 89.66%. That is enough to qualify me for proceding to LCI but was a dissappointment. Of course the incorrect answers were due to poorly worded and ambiguous questions. (Apologies to Michael Feldman).
I'll researce local LCI's and post again if something can be set up.