Friday, June 15, 2012

New AASHTO Guide Helps Designers Meet Bicyclists Needs

More than a quarter of the U.S. population over the age of 16 rides a bicycle. For transportation officials, bicycling remains an important mode of transportation that is growing in popularity due to its environmental advantages, convenience, energy efficiency, health benefits, and cost effectiveness.
. . Local, state, and federal transportation agencies are responding to the increased popularity of bicycling by implementing a wide variety of bicycle-related projects and programs. The Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition released earlier this month by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials gives transportation designers and builders sound guidance on ways to incorporate bicyclists into the roadway environment.

. . "This guide will help states to do an even better job of meeting the needs of all transportation users," said John Horsley, AASHTO executive director. "Transportation engineers know that the entire system works more efficiently when we build streets, bridges, and highways that can accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians in the safest way possible."
. . Known as the AASHTO Bike Guide, this 200-page publication has undergone extensive revision and expansion since it was last released in 1999. It includes guidelines to design, build, modernize, and preserve bicycle facilities, signage, and bicycle parking facilities that can accommodate daily commuters and recreational users.
. . "All transportation users, including bicyclists, should expect that the highways, roads, and bridges they use are safe and well-designed," said Jim Sayer, executive director of the Adventure Cycling Association. "We're pleased that AASHTO has issued the new Bike Guide and hope that it will spark the creation of more cycling opportunities across the country."
For more information on the AASHTO Bike Guide, watch our video at You can purchase a copy of the Bike Guide from the AASHTO Online Bookstore.

1 comment:

  1. The video is really nice. It would be great to see what is in the new AASHTO guide. Does anyone know whether any libraries might have copies? The new sections on bike parking and other things are things that I would like to check out.
