RPM's report is out and ready for review. There is a Acrobat Reader pdf file ready now and a kml file for showing routes in Google Earth on the way. It is hard to see the specific roads on the pdf file.
I'll post the Google Earth file when ready. To view pdf file, Click here. Note this may not work in Firefox. IE is OK. In Firefox you may have to go to tools, options, applications and set Adobe Acrobat Reader files to always save. Then download and open file.
Please look at the map and let me know what you think. I have my own early impressions of the roads I know. Especially look at the roads you can identify and have ridden.
New Transportation Alternatives Funding coming your way
Thanks to Representative Rick Larsen (D-WA), the Ranking Democrat on the
House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee, your state is
getting mor...
2 days ago
Worked great with Firefox 4.0 and Adobe X. But then I use XP and not Linux. Haven't tried the Google Earth version. As mentioned before, the RPM numbering system is confusing, since most of us are familiar with the State Route #'s.