Thursday, April 22, 2010

TDOT's New Bike/Ped Coordinator

It won't be official until May 2'nd, but everyone is so pleased with the appointment that we're letting out the info.  TDOT's previously TEMPORARY Bike/Ped Coordinator is now PERMANENT.

I believe my director wants to send out a formal announcement to my contact list as soon as the paperwork is approved . . . Or you can just go ahead and post it yourself if you'd like. I was trying to hold off on announcing it on my facebook profile until the paperwork went through, but I just couldn't resist because I'm so excited!!  Jessica L. Wilson


  1. Congratulations! Very excited to have someone with your experience and skills to guide our statewide efforts.

  2. TDoT done good, congratulations!

  3. Congrats. TN seems to be light years ahead of AR on what to do with a bike ped coordinator. You seem to be a bit closer to the action at TDOT.
    You must share a secret or two now and again--bud laumer, LCI 2201
