Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cyclists urge DA to Presses Charges

PLEASE BE PATIENT. Video takes about 10 seconds to pull from Channel 4 News. It starts with a short commercial (that is why we can share.)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

California Walking School Bus

CNN is reporting that in parts of California children are participating in a "walking school bus." What's a walking school bus? It is a bunch of children walking to school together, carrying a "bus" that picks up other students along "stops" on the way to and from school. The article points to the very real fact that much of today's infrastructure has has physical activity engineered out of it. Combined with the ready availability of cheap calories, it's small wonder that the overweight/obesity rate there has topped 60%. The rate is not too different in Tennessee. The kids walk around half a mile to and from school every day. Calorie-wise, that would be around 100 or a bit fewer burned each and every day. Time spent walking per child is around 20 min. Could schools in Tennessee do something similar? How far or close to children live to their schools? In terms of time requirements, let's not forget that there are substantial traffic jams at schools each morning and afternoon, so depending on the distance, walking can actually be the faster option, not to mention how such can free up time for parents who otherwise might send their children to and from school by car.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

TE Funds Under Attack AGAIN - Take Action!

Dear friends and supporters of walking and biking in Tennessee,  we are once again in an all-points alert due to the Transportation Reauthorization efforts to remove dedicated federal funding for walking and biking.  Action lerts are coming from League of American Bicyclists, Alliance for Walking and Biking,  America Walks, Jeff Roth Cycling Foundation and the effort below from  Please follow the links in the message below and take action to let your Senators Corker and Alexander know your feelings around the "Paul Amendment."  This is one of those times that everyone can do something easy to make a difference.

Thanks, Pat Clements, President, Bike Walk Tennessee

A sobering discussion of our transportation infrastructure.

With the most recent push to eliminate TE in favor of bridge repair highlights the futility of attempting to maintain our infrastructure as it has been built. Better to rethink what infrastructure we need to support.
This video explains the problem better than anything else I have seen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Urban Bike Design Guide

“This is a guide cities should use,” said Secretary LaHood in front of the Union Station Bike Station. He went on to enumerate all of the exciting things that are happening in cities from New York to Chicago to Portland. The Secretary also said today that he won’t serve a second term as Transportation Secretary — certainly bad news for bicyclists.
Click here for League Announcement

VDOT Publishes New Bicycle Policy Plan

VDOT's Bicycle Advisory Committee has released it Bicycle Policy Plan with the substantial assistance of the VA Bicycle Advisory Committee. Reviewing its contents I found it to "establish a vision for the future of bicycling in the Commonwealth". A great deal of public input was joined with input from key stakeholders and VDOT staff. The plan focuses on policies, procedures, and programs within VDOT authority.

By focusing its resources Tennessee's Department of Transportation could lead in bicycle and pedestrian policy planning for the coming years. A proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee would be critical in producing document and guide such as VDOT's Bicycle Policy Plan.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Roundabouts - pedestrian and cyclist safety

Roundabouts are becoming more common across the state, as their traffic handling capabilities and improved safety become wider known. A single-lane roundabout can handle a traffic flow of around 25,000 vehicles/day with minimal delays, and sometimes can be a cheaper alternative to widening roads. Unlike a traffic light, traffic does not necessarily have to stop; traffic continuously flows more or less. Deadly T-bone crashes are basically eliminated.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Leadership

Bike Walk Tennessee is privileged to announce two new leaders for its organization.  Dr. Caroline Cooley, Director of the Knoxville Region, was elected by the board as its corporate Secretary and Ms. Jenny Park who recently joined us from Chattanooga was selected as the new Membership Chair.  Please join me in welcoming them and offering your assistance in these key positions.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nashville MPO Call for Projects

The Nashville MPO is making $2.5 Million available for Active Transportation Projects.  With October 6'th being the deadline for submission 10 applications were received, requesting nearly $3.8 million - 9 for infrastructure and 1 for non-infrastructure.  The MPO staff will conduct the initial round of analysis, and then forward the applications to the MPO BPAC for your review.  

Active Transportation Call-for-Projects Schedule 
- Day 1: Announce call for projects – Aug 17 
- Day 45: Deadline for Proposals – Oct 6
- Day 60: MPO Staff Scoring, Round 1 Evaluation Complete – Oct 21
- Day 70: MPO/BPAC Joint Mtg - Round 2 Evaluation – Oct 24
- Day 90: BPAC Scoring, Round 2 Evaluation Complete – Nov 17  
- Day 100: MPO/BPAC Joint Mtg - Round 3 Evaluation – Nov 17
- Day 115: Round 3 Evaluation Complete – November 29 
MPO TCC Meeting – December 7 
MPO Board Meeting – December 14 
Project Award Announcements – December 15

Monday, October 3, 2011

News from Knoxville

Update on bicycle news in the Knoxville area:

1754 driver’s education students instructed for spring and fall semesters 2011.

Starting January 2011, all public high school driver’s ed students in Knox and Blount counties have been instructed on bicycle/ motorist rules of the road. The curriculum, developed by Paige and Mike Winck, is taught by bicyclists who are involved with the Knoxville Bicycle Program. The program has been enthusiastically supported by the driver’s ed teachers and schools.

Greenway official opening: The newest Greenway in the Knoxville area, Papermill Bluff, was officially opened by city officials on September 29. It is almost a mile in length, parallels Interstate 40, and connects to the existing Weisgarber Greenway. For further details, go to

Legacy Parks is hosting a fund raising luncheon Friday, October 14, 2011. Governor Haslam will be the guest speaker . “ Legacy Parks Foundation works collaboratively with organizations and governmental agencies in Knox County and the east Tennessee region to expand parks, trails, and greenways as well as preserve open space and promote recreational oppurtunities.” Tickets for the event and further information can be found at

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and go on a bike ride or hike.